We are in the mountains (thus the lack of cell service and the post-facto post). Today featured the first real climbing of the trip, though nothing compared to tomorrow, when I hit two major passes; the second, Washington Pass, is now the highest of the trip, since Logan Pass in Glacier is closed through at least the beginning of July due to snow. I discovered today that when I am climbing on a consistent but manageable grade I repeat to myself ”slow and steady slow and steady slow and steady.” When the grade grows severe I am reduced to mumbling ”okay okay okay okay.” Less instructive, more coping.
North Cascades National Park is gorgeous. It is the most beautiful place I have ridden, hands down. I had a life-affirming tailwind, and the weather was ideal, and really it was an excellent day of riding.
I went through a tunnel! It was a little scary, but you press a button before entering that tells cars there’s a bike in there. And it is presumably better than going over the thing they tunneled through.
Every road-side stop was eye-popping, with rushing green river against snow-capped peaks. I luxuriated, knowing I had only 38 miles to cover, and even with my lazy 10 a.m. departure I got to the campground by 3:30.
Colonial Creek Campground, which was fully booked when I tried to reserve a site a few weeks ago, does indeed have a hiker/biker site, though they had trouble remembering which site it was, since I am—the ranger told me—their first cyclist of the season! And it was free! After stashing everything in the bear safe, I went for a hike on Thunder Creek Trail. Because why not follow up riding with hiking?
Fell asleep while reading around 8:30 (not the fault of my book, Courtroom 302, which is a so-far-fascinating examination of the Cook County criminal justice system.

These views are amazing. You’re in post-card land!
Wow. Just wow. xo
Ah, that mountain in the distance! Also, I am LOVING your safety vest, we uh probably should have had those the whole time…
A last-minute gift from Steve and a brilliant (hahaha) idea.
Slow and steady slow and steady. Great advice for biking and maybe we adopt for margarita drinking?
Dude!! Looks like you’re having a blast!
These views are outrageous!!!
Wow I’m actually a little peeved that you are getting more sunbreaks than we’ve had over here! Peeved for me, chuffed for you!