In the morning, I sat outside with the wildflowers for a bit enjoying the chilly and beautiful morning.

Katrina made me coffee with foamed milk, a delightful luxury, and then we loaded up my bike for the drive back to East Thetford. I pull my things together in the parking lot of the Irving Oil.

After several hugs, we part ways, and I ride off into the morning basking in the warm glow of reconnection and Katrina’s excellent company.
My first move of the morning is crossing the Connecticut River into New Hampshire on a car bridge of dubious structural integrity.

I ride green rolling hills, enjoying New Hampshire’s heavy, sweet, musky fir scent. It’s a Sunday, so everyone is out recreating; the White Mountains are alive with outdoor enthusiasts.
Outside Piermont, a smallish hawk alights on the road inches from my feet as I start to accelerate on a downhill. Startled by its miscalculation, it frantically and awkwardly flaps off into the low foliage at the side of the road.
A few minutes later one of two women coasting downhills as I began a big climb shouted across the road to me “you’re amazing!” 💗
I get maple candy at long last, and it’s as delicious as I remember.

I climb a number of hills to get to and through Haverhill, unsurprisingly.

My biggest climb of the day is 2500 feet, and at the top I take a sit break.

Then it’s back down again at a slightly terrifying but exciting 12% grade.
I glide into North Woodstock, a couple of miles short of the bottom, and get to my campground, the hideously expensive Lost River Valley Campground. As I am setting up, every boy child under 14 in the place gets involved in a rowdy game of cornhole across the way; when it devolves into flailing limbs, punches, and name-calling, I intervene and go fetch parents, and there is merciful relative quiet.
It settles right down promptly at 10, though, and I am out like a light.
Tonight, sadly we’ll be watching the final final episode of Better Call Saul. That’s how I feel reading these stories this week. I have so enjoyed the photos and videos and your excellent narration. I’m going to miss hearing from you (almost) every day. I’ve gotten to know you a little better and love you all the more for it.
Evacuation route -> Canada sounds about right!
Girlie pop, that bridge close-up pic got me EFFED up, caption should probably be edited to Die Hard or Keep Trying.
Oh, how I would have loved to have been hiding behind a tree as you broke up the boy shenanigans! AND fetched the parents. Priceless.