Before I lose your attention I want to update and amend my post on guardrails in light of new research. NY has a previously-uncatalogued (here) class of guardrail that looks absolutely terrifying. It’s three parallel cables, anchored in the ground, running through loops in the metal stanchions. They are all rusted and look like they are made of tetanus, and you can’t lean or sit on them. I forgot to write about them, but I guess this is my last chance because I did it, y’all. I rode my bike across the country.
It was a beautiful day. Perfect weather, lovely tailwind, a couple of serious hills to climb, though nothing brutal.
I had coffee on the patio outside my guest suite (!) and watched the sky warm and brighten, then hung out with Nate and Laura until Nate left for work; Laura and I squeezed in some more hangs and then got me packed up—she put crushed ice in my water bottles!—and headed back to Orland, where she dropped me with hugs at the community center.
Yesterday I’d had a happy teary moment as I let myself realize that I was really going to do this thing, but then I missed a turn because of it, remembered that feelings are dumb (kidding!), and pushed that to the side. But today I found myself laugh-crying at random in wild joy and disbelief, and it was an incredible feeling.
I had just under 40 miles to ride, and Andrew was driving in from Boston simultaneously, and I took it slowly to relish the last few hours. I enjoyed all of it. I already missed it even as I was excited to see all my people and regain all the ease and luxury of inside life.
I was mostly on US 1/ME 3, and it was a Friday in August, so traffic was brisk, but I was unbothered. The signs for Acadia made me tear up, as did a nice descent.
I took my last sit stop on the road into a Park & Ride about 15 miles from Bar Harbor.

Andrew and I texted a bit to coordinate arrival, and then Josh texted to check in and we text-chatted for a bit ❤️ and then I sat on the ground and snacked and was feral and weird and free until it was time to go to Bar Harbor and meet my babe.

Some wonderful and poignant miles later and one big hill in Mt. Desert that I approached channeling my godson’s energy when told it was too windy to be outside (from the bench on the deck: “You think you can take me down wind? BRING IT ON!”), the sweet long descent following, and I was in Bar Harbor.

I made my way down to the bay through throngs of people and there it was.

I texted Andrew, and he found me, and it was all kinds of feelings, y’all.

We sat in the park overlooking the bay and drank Prosecco, and I could not have asked for a better end to the trip.

I suspect I may have one more post in me, some wrap-up thoughts. Just in case that’s not true, I want to say how much I appreciate every one of you that read along. And to all of you who sent me texts or commented or posted about the trip, it gave me life. To new friends I met along the way, and to those I was able to see, both old friends and ones who came out to visit with me: 💗
Thank you for being along on this adventure with me.
Hot diggity dog….you did it. Congrats. Loved the write ups, writing talent you have.
Enjoy the celebration
What an amazing thing. Thanks for taking us with you through all the wretchedness and joy. Can’t wait to see you!
YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT! Of course you did. Well done, sweet friend! xo
Sarah: You’re my hero!!! You did the dang thing. Truly amazing. Thanks for bringing us along all these days and miles with you. It’s been a pure joy. 💖
Crying. I’m so proud of you!!!
Now you can sleep in until, maybe, 6? Thank you for taking the time to share your travelogue with us. Who will portray you in the forthcoming Girl on the Bike series? Felicidades!
Sarita!!! You are a freaking rock star- so damn proud of you!
XoXoXo pal, thanks for taking us on this amazing adventure with you!!!
I don’t even know! I am so dang happy and simultaneously a bit sad that it is over. Your last day was one for the books…a perfect ending. Reading along has been a highlight of my summer, truly! I hope you eat all the lobster and butter in Arcadia.
Here’s to the next adventure!
Ps I need a picture of the bad guardrails plz. I can’t even picture them
Pps a big thanks to Andrew for putting together a stellar website
Max and Lo are so very impressed with your ride. We showed them the photos and they both clapped and cheered!
Congratulations! What an amazing journey. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story.
I was glad to follow your amazing Adventure, Sarah! Thank you & congratlations! Yes, you did it! Wow🤩
Nice Work. Nice Work.
Your comments often made my day, lady. Thanks for being a friend on my ride. <3
So happy we got to meet you! I’ve been thinking about you and your trip periodically all summer especially when I spotted a cross country biker. CONGRATULATIONS! You are amazing 🙂 I’ll hit you up when I’m ready to do something like this myself. If you’re ever back in NW Montana, I hope to hear from you. Your postcard was so sweet.