Day 1. Issaquah, WA to Arlington, WA, 63 miles

First day! It rained literally all day (and continues to rain and will continue to rain), so I don’t have much in the way of pictures. But I spent most of the second half of the day on an excellent trail, and that was cool. I also enjoyed dodging slugs (is it a slug or a branch!?) on the road, a fun rainy-times riding game. They are fat and plenty out here. Now I’m damply ensconced in my tent following a lively session of bathroom hand dryer clothes drying. Gonna nod off to the sound of rain on the tent and try not to focus on wet morning logistics.

dig this bridge
the Centennial Trail doth provide

not under the bridge was wetter


  1. Very good of the Centennial trail to provides its tables drily under its bridges!

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