Today I didn’t ride my bike. I woke up late … wait, nope, I woke up around 5 as usual. But I did lounge in bed, catch up on my posts, do laundry, and generally enjoy a slow morning, including some time with Luna, the Yorks’ cat, who has the best warbling meow

Eventually I ambled to the farmers market in town, where I noshed on a delicious huckleberry bar, huckleberries apparently being a regional specialty. Sandpoint is an adorable place, pickup-truck-about-town with “TRUMP: TAKE AMERICA BACK” flag notwithstanding. I spent much of today walking around it, and it’s lovely: laid back vibe, manageable size, small businesses aplenty. I took a few items to the post office to mail home, chatted with my babe (hi Andrew!), and made my way toward the plant nursery where Kendall works.
Right across the street I caught sight of some squirrel-type markings, so I went over to check them out. Just as I was taking the last photo, a guy pulls up who clearly has more right to be there than I. I apologized and threw Emily under the bus, explaining that I was taking the photos for a friend who also loves squirrels, but that I would delete them if it bothered him. Thirty minutes later I walked away with a new friend in Sandpoint, one whose wife is a former librarian who now rescues and rehabilitates squirrels; he showed me pictures of a great blue heron in the pond in his back yard, which they had designated a wildlife habitat, complained about Chuck Grassley, and invited me to their yard for a tour if I was nearby.

I saw Kendall’s wonderful workplace (it smells so good and everywhere you look it’s beautiful), and I met the world’s most affectionate cat.

Kendall was liberated early to go to lunch with me, and then she took me on a drive around the Sandpoint area, including a gorgeous and fragrant hiking area called Pine Street Woods. She taught me a bit about the local pines and firs and picked me a few branches to smell. 💚 We parted ways reluctantly—such a fun reunion!—and then I headed back to the Yorks’.
The afternoon was perfect. I hung out with Judy, and Steve, who is a bike mechanic, looked over my bike and pronounced it in fine riding shape. Luna the cat and I had some quality time, and the I walked to the store to stock up on snacks and sneak in a last call with Andrew before reception gets spotty.
Judy and Steve invited me to share a pizza dinner with them, and we sat around talking politics (last time I encounter simpatico folks for a while, I’d guess), female urinary assist devices (conclusion: nope), and talking pets. We definitely watched each other’s pet videos, and it was grand. They are … amazing. I feel like I don’t ever feel want to stay at a Warm Showers place again because it could not possibly match this. I also feel inspired to be an excellent host when I return. This has been magical and refreshing, and I am ready to get back to the road with new energy. Montana, baby!